Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Rush Limbaugh Says Humans Were Created To Play Football

Expanding on his belief that there's no such thing as evolution because there are still apes and monkeys in existence, Rush Limbaugh recently claimed that human beings were created to participate in sporting activities.

"Have you ever seen an ape play football or a lizard play soccer," he asked no one in particular when playing golf with some rich white guys.

He went on to elaborate on the importance of sports in human culture.

"I mean, where would we be without the NFL?  It's the single greatest accomplishment man has come up with so far."

After a string of bad shots, he vented with some more of his patented common sense.

"Have you ever seen a monkey take his kids to a baseball game?"  Have you ever seen a chimpanzee buy a beer or a football jersey?"

Between bites of a Trump steak at the nineteenth hole, he continued his tirade.

"I just cannot understand how people can be so stupid about something so simple."

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